Hole / Whole


Whole is full

Hole is dark

Wholesome path

seems mindfulness Holy Zen

what are you scared of?

Failing is an achievement if i can feel your love

For you if I live in oblivion you are a sparkling gold

so your star can shine so bright that might just shed some spare love to me

on your way out of burn and feed me


In another Galaxy i could flourish

I promise i would be so good and as smooth as silk

if only . . .

On planet earth you could let me walk free

i wish…

you dead so i can live a bit whole

i am not sure i am sorry

how vile is to wish you gone

as all i wanted was some spare change

but with both hands i was born to cry for warmth

and you delivered a hole so whole that pierced both lungs

and left no air to breath

just a hole.

just burn
