
'If I draw five for the day
Then we ain't got to worry, we're nice for the day
Inspired by the sun, take flight for the day
Sippin' a cold beer, sunshine in your face'


Black Sea


I must go down to the seas again,

 or the call of the running tideIs a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; 

And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

John Masefield

Catfish And The Bottlemen

I wanted everything at once
Until you blew me out of my mind
Now I don’t need nothing
— 'Soundcheck' Catfish And The Bottlemen

Catfish and the Bottlemen is a band from Llandudno, North Wales, consisting of vocalist Ryan “Van” McCann, guitarist Johnny “Bondy” Bond, bassist Benjamin “Benji” Blakeway, and drummer Robert “Bob” Hall.

 They took the house down in a gig in Northampton Royal & Dernagate 21 May 2016

The Brutal Barbican and Hard Grain Concrete

Fed up with sharp and perfect pictures. When I visited the Barbican this weekend to see Basquiat paintings you can't help but look into the brutal architecture surrounding the place. Hate or love, both. Brutal is good when its simple. Here is very crowded and lacks minimalism.

But I zoomed into the column and water and got rid of the sharpness and the grain filter I never use was I think good in this instance and it gives the shot how rough cement is.

The Barbican Centre.

The Barbican Centre.