
´I tornaré a Girona
Quan bufi tramontana
Per perdre’m en silenci
Pels vells carrers que enyoro. 

I tornaré a Girona
Sense esperar que em cridin
Amb tremolor a les cames
I els ulls oberts com llunes. 

Serà un dia de somni
Quan tornaré a Girona´

Miquel Martí i Pol

Late Spring

“A flower blossoms for its own joy.” 
Oscar Wilde


Never heard of Starcrawler, I had no idea what kind of music they play, all I saw was a brief clip with a mad singer in a straight jacket looking mad and my other half bought us a coupla tickets, I totally forgot but the day came and a tiny venue just held the biggest gig I have ever been to in ages. I mean they blew my mind, my senses, my brains, my inspiration, it was WILD.. 

Arrow de Wilde

Arrow de Wilde

Tight set, compact powerful music,the 70's Iggy Pop distilled with every cliche I grew up to love just there right there, front row. I never write in my blog, you see I am not good with words, I don't know how to make sense of a feeling hence I paint or take pictures. And I guess this is how Arrow the main singer I have come to learn was shy.... well.... What a performance that was. INCREDIBLE.

I was thinking how can I make justice to such performance... It's impossible. Then I came to think Iggy Pop, Man Ray and went for the Solarise effect or Breton effect like Man Ray was famous for

Just go and see them! Get their record and love and adore every single tune... at full blast and feel alive right there and then!...

The Eyes

The Eyes

TV Eye

TV Eye



Poema IV de Set  Estimada Marta

No t'ennueguis amb records. Set claus
barren set portes. Saps prou bé què hi ha
darrere cadascuna per tornar-hi
amb el pretext d'enyors o negligències.
No s'esmena la vida ja viscuda
i aquest crepuscle de balaix desvetlla
noves veus que vulneren tots els límits.
Guarda la trista borra dels secrets
al fons obscur de qualsevol butxaca.
Que no t'exclogui el vent dels seus combats
ni la mar, dels seus ocis. Per colrar-te
de nou la pell hauràs d'obrir finestres.
No sentis massa pietat de tu.
Llença les claus i aprèn-te més encara.

Miquel Martí i Pol