Henry Moore Up Close and Personal

Henry Moore is one of those artists that the more I revisit his work the more I have come to love and admire, at first I just saw the scale of his pieces, striking, sexy and unique voluptuous curves that balance perfectly with its surroundings. Yorkshire Sculpture Park is a place so huge where his work breaths and looks intimate and where solitude feels like a gift.

Long gone the days where I no longer shot a whole object, building or person into the frame all squeezed up. Moore invites you to look deeper into his forms and get lost between the work of nature has left over the bronze all over the seasons. It's beautiful, i cant find another word, but i hope that this picture represent a little bit what I am trying to say.

I hope you enjoy them and I am sure next time I go will see a completely different angle and curve, thats his beauty, it's infinite inspiration.