Henry Moore Up Close and Personal

Henry Moore is one of those artists that the more I revisit his work the more I have come to love and admire, at first I just saw the scale of his pieces, striking, sexy and unique voluptuous curves that balance perfectly with its surroundings. Yorkshire Sculpture Park is a place so huge where his work breaths and looks intimate and where solitude feels like a gift.

Long gone the days where I no longer shot a whole object, building or person into the frame all squeezed up. Moore invites you to look deeper into his forms and get lost between the work of nature has left over the bronze all over the seasons. It's beautiful, i cant find another word, but i hope that this picture represent a little bit what I am trying to say.

I hope you enjoy them and I am sure next time I go will see a completely different angle and curve, thats his beauty, it's infinite inspiration.


Poema IV de Set  Estimada Marta

No t'ennueguis amb records. Set claus
barren set portes. Saps prou bé què hi ha
darrere cadascuna per tornar-hi
amb el pretext d'enyors o negligències.
No s'esmena la vida ja viscuda
i aquest crepuscle de balaix desvetlla
noves veus que vulneren tots els límits.
Guarda la trista borra dels secrets
al fons obscur de qualsevol butxaca.
Que no t'exclogui el vent dels seus combats
ni la mar, dels seus ocis. Per colrar-te
de nou la pell hauràs d'obrir finestres.
No sentis massa pietat de tu.
Llença les claus i aprèn-te més encara.

Miquel Martí i Pol

The Brutal Barbican and Hard Grain Concrete

Fed up with sharp and perfect pictures. When I visited the Barbican this weekend to see Basquiat paintings you can't help but look into the brutal architecture surrounding the place. Hate or love, both. Brutal is good when its simple. Here is very crowded and lacks minimalism.

But I zoomed into the column and water and got rid of the sharpness and the grain filter I never use was I think good in this instance and it gives the shot how rough cement is.

The Barbican Centre.

The Barbican Centre.

Birmingham Photography Workshop

Last Saturday I went to my first Workshop in Birmingham, I have been kind of desperate to go to one for ages, but I am so shy that it took me a long time to find the courage to go to one.

Library Of Birmingham, UK

However this one just felt so right, because it was done by Tim Cornbill,  a Photographer I got to know through Instagram and I really admire his work. He has been recently awarded with the prestigious Sony Award and specialises in Birmingham, Concrete and Sky and everything in between.

Library Of Birmingham

HolidayInn Express. Birmingham, UK

So I had the courage to book one workshop and it was absolutely brilliant, chatted straight away with the 6 other people and it was not as scary as I thought it would be and at the end of the day most of us felt the same, shy to go to a place you don't know anyone but passion for Photography it's always the best way to forget you are even shy ;)

Tim was incredible, he first spend one hour giving basic notions about composition and showed us a very inspiring video, after that we went around Birmingham  not like sheeps or Japanse tourists but like friends that were spending sometime toguether.

When the walk around was over we went to the workshop room and we exchanged social media accounts and I came home with so many shots, here are a few I like and I hope you like them too.

Thank you for reading and if you ever want to go to a workshop and shyness stop you, don't think about it, just GO!

Zoom II
